When Fionn ate of the Salmon of knowledge he gained the gift of 'true seeing', 'how past, present and future, flow together as a confluence of many streams into one river'. This quality of vision and understanding set him apart from other leaders of the fabled Fianna.
Spend a weekend experiencing this keystone myth of the Celtic Isles, 'Fionn and the Salmon of knowledge'.
Enjoy a deep dive into mythopoetics, Celtic culture, camaraderie, ancestral craft, freshwater fishing, nature tracking, ecology, fire time, story and song, cold water immersion (optional) in a beautiful glen in the Scottish Highlands. Celebrate the spirit of the Fianna (the hunter-gatherer, warrior poets who once roamed Scotland and Ireland).
We explore the potency of this story out on the land, its cultural and ecological significance, and walk in the footsteps of Fionn so we may share in his wisdom, insight and poetic strength.
Guided by Dougie Mackay, Aoife Lowden and Michael Wachter, this weekend will offer a rich tapestry of land, lore, culture & Craic.
(Early booking advised as we expect this to sell out.)
The retreat will include
Storytelling & Mythopoetics
Ancestral crafts
Wildlife tracking
Primitive fishing
Salmon skin tanning
Creative writing
Dreaming and Druidcraft
Lore & Landscape
Ecology and Mythology of the Salmon
Storytelling, poetry and song
Fianna warrior training